With your AuburnBank Debit Card, you can make purchases with the money in your checking account without writing a check! Your debit card gives you access to cash at over 323,000 Star/VISA ATMs in over 109 countries.
A detailed record of account activity is provided on your monthly checking statement.
*ATM Transactions made at non-AuburnBank ATM's are subject to activity fees.
As with all financial transactions, please exercise discretion when using an ATM. For your own safety, be careful and be mindful of your surroundings. The following suggestions may be helpful:
To get your AuburnBank Debit Card or to receive additional information and disclosures, please visit an AuburnBank Customer Service Representative at any of our branch locations. All purchases made will be deducted from your primary account number.
To speak with a debit card support specialist, contact the Electronic Services Department at 334-887-4621 or 1-888-988-2162 if outside of the Auburn/Opelika area.
What is an ATM Surcharge?
An ATM surcharge is an ATM transaction fee that is imposed by the owner of the ATM. The owner of the ATM may be your bank, another bank, and even a non-bank business. An ATM surcharge may be imposed in addition to any transaction fees charged by your bank. AuburnBank does not assess ATM transaction fees to its customers if an AuburnBank ATM is used.
Where can I use my AuburnBank Debit Card?
You may use your AuburnBank Debit Card at any merchant or ATM location that displays the VISA or Star logos.
What should I do if my AuburnBank Debit Card is lost or stolen?
You should notify AuburnBank immediately if your card is lost or stolen. If the Bank is closed, call VISA at 1-(800)VISA-911 to report a lost or stolen card.
I know my balance is good, but why can't I make a withdrawal or purchase?
You may have exceeded your daily withdrawal limit or your card may have been flagged for suspicious activity.